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1D Reader Scanners
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RFID Readers
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Non Food - Distribution Center & Warehouse
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Fixed Retail Scanners
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Magellan 9800i
Magellan 9300i
Magellan 9400i
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Memor 30-35
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Multi-Plane Imaging Scanner/Scales
Magellan 9800i
Magellan 9300i
Magellan 9400i
Handheld Computers
Memor 30-35
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Non Food - Distribution Center & Warehouse
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Non Food - In-Store & Point Of Sales
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Why direct part mark code reading is the best option
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Baggage Handling Systems (Sorting)
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Outbound Logistics
Parcel Detection on Belt
Inbound Handling Solutions
Field Mobility Solutions for Postal Services
Small Parcel Sortation
Parcel Transport and Sortation Systems
Point of Sales
Inbound & Induction: Postal Office Barcode Solutions
Barcode Order Fulfillment Solutions
Barcode solutions for e-commerce
Sortation Systems
Hospitals - Labs
Clinical Lab Samples
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Automated Pharmacy
Pharmacy Drug Verification
Pharmacy Payment
Data Entry Automation
E-tickets: Kiosks/Lockers/Totem
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What's Your Application?
What's Your Application?
Shipping & Receiving
Dimension Weigh & Scan
Grocery - Order Fulfillment
Automated Scanning
Checkout Loss Prevention
Grocery Checkout
Convenience Checkout
Product & Pricing Management
Inventory Management
Queue-Busting Solution
Order Fulfillment
Dimension Weigh & Scan
Shipping & Receiving
Product & Pricing Management
Inventory Management
Department Store Checkout
Convenience Checkout
Assisted Sales
Quality Inspection
Tires Assembly Tracking
Tires Sorting & Shipping
Wip Traceability
Direct Part Marking
Food & Beverage Labeling Solutions
Secondary Packaging for Beverage&Food Solutions
Primary Packaging for Beverage & Food Solutions
Why direct part mark code reading is the best option
Wafer Marking
Machine Set Up
Verification and Inspection
Label Print & Check
Manual Induction
Warehouse Management
Cold Storage
Sorting and Shipping
Baggage Handling Systems (Sorting)
Baggage Reconciliation
Check In, Security Control and Bag Drop-Off Handling
High-Speed Sorting
Field mobility solutions: barcode for courier and parcel
Outbound Logistics
Parcel Detection on Belt
Inbound Handling Solutions
Field Mobility Solutions for Postal Services
Small Parcel Sortation
Parcel Transport and Sortation Systems
Point of Sales
Inbound & Induction: Postal Office Barcode Solutions
Barcode Order Fulfillment Solutions
Sortation Systems
Clinical Lab Samples
Bedside Point of Care
Healthcare Inventory Management
Primary Packaging
Automated Pharmacy
Pharmacy Drug Verification
Pharmacy Payment
E-tickets: Kiosks/Lockers/Totem
Barcode Access Control
Transaction Processing
Asset & Document Control
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21 January 2025 - Datalogic secures a €9m+ project with a leading European logistics provider...
Datalogic is proud to announce the award of €9 million+ project with a major European logistics provider, known for its extensive operations in mail, parcel, and e-commerce across relevant countries in the Continental Europe. This collaboration underscores Datalogic’s...
12 June 2024 - Pioneering the Barcode
Datalogic Leads the Way for 50 Years
5 June 2024 - Datalogic celebrates National Recognition
Datalogic joins the Special Register of Italian Historical Trademarks: a significant achievement for Italian excellence
28 December 2022 - A message from the Chairman
The year of our 50th Anniversary is coming to an end. After half a century of unwavering success, the future looks even brighter. If we have much to celebrate, though, we owe it to the magnitude of our Founder’s vision, who shaped the organizational footprint of the company...
20 December 2022 - Datasensing is born
In 2021, to further strengthen and develop its market position in the sensors sector, Datalogic acquired M.D. Micro Detectors, a leading Italian company in optical, inductive, capacitive, and ultrasonic sensors, which was shortly afterwards merged with the Sensor & Safety...
19 December 2022 - Datalogic global expansion continues
During the period from 2009-2019, the Datalogic Group continued to grow organically, with the opening of new business offices and production facilities, including a production plant in the Saigon High-Tech Park in Vietnam, leading to further expansion in Asia. New Sales...
12 December 2022 - 2017, Mrs. Valentina Volta is appointed Datalogic Group CEO
Mrs. Valentina Volta joined Datalogic in 2012, joining her father in leading the company. A major new organizational development program would soon be launched. The different operating companies and activities were reorganized on a more customer centric approach addressing...
5 December 2022 - Datalogic’s leadership expands to China
With the new millennium, after gaining leadership in Europe and the U.S., it was now time to focus on China, broadening Datalogic 's presence with the opening of a new branch office in Shanghai in 2004 (later expanded in 2019) and expanding the sales team throughout the...
2 December 2022 - Move the Checkout Line Faster, Reduce Shrink, and Save Money on Labor!
Deploying self checkout devices in your grocery store may be one of the simplest, most valuable updates you can make to your frontend.
29 November 2022 - Datalogic's leadership in imager technology
Between 2006 and 2013, as the group grew and reorganized itself, the push for technological and product innovation continued. Leveraging Datalogic ’s focus and expertise on the innovative imager technology, which had already been implemented in all the company’s readers...
23 November 2022 - Datalogic ADC and Datalogic Automation
Between 2005 and 2012, following the acquisition of PSC and under the sign of a new logo (the one still in place today), the Datalogic group was reorganized into two operative companies: Datalogic ADC (incorporating Datalogic Scanning and Datalogic Mobile) and Datalogic...
23 November 2022 - Datalogic’s new factories in Slovakia, Hungary and Vietnam
Between 2005 and 2012, three major production centers were established to better support the group's growth: in Slovakia, Hungary, and Vietnam. The Ho Chi Minh City Plant is the world’s largest factory of Datalogic with over 600 workers. The focus of the Vietnamese...
15 November 2022 - Dr. Volta is awarded with the 'Enterprise Award for Innovation'
In 2009, Dr. Romano Volta, Chairman and Founder of Datalogic , was awarded with the prize “Premio Imprese per l’Innovazione” (Enterprise Award for Innovation) by the President of the Italian Republic for his merits in managing and growing his company on a global scale...
10 November 2022 - The acquisition of PSC
In 2005, after a courtship which had been lasting several years, Datalogic completed the acquisition of PSC Inc. The company, a renowed manufacturer of Fixed Retail Scanners, HandHeld readers and Mobile Computers, had previously incorporated Spectra Physics, which...
9 November 2022 - 2001: Datalogic Goes Public
In 2001 Datalogic went public, listed at the Milan Stock Exchange. This event represented the point of arrival of the courageous managerial reorganization wanted by Dr. Romano Volta in 1993 as well as the new starting point and the drive for the company’s future growth...
8 November 2022 - Patents & Intellectual Property
Innovation-driven companies such as Datalogic must ensure the protection of intellectual property to guarantee the exclusivity of its inventions. The creation of a new team, dedicated to patents, allowed Datalogic to renew and further push its focus for inventions and...
28 October 2022 - Datasensor: the new name in sensors and safety
Between 2001 to 2009, Datalogic focused its attention on the industrial automation sensor market through the new company, Datasensor. The Company introduced new application sensors, its first optoelectronic safety light curtains, and innovative vision sensors. The...
27 October 2022 - The first self-shopping solution
In 2000, Datalogic continued the development of innovative solutions in the retail sector as well. Based on the first pilot projects launched by the acquired IDWare team, the first complete self-shopping solution was developed: the i7150 with its advanced dispenser system...
25 October 2022 - The Gryphon & the Green Spot Technology
The year 2000 kicked off with another milestone in the Datalogic’s product portfolio: the Gryphon was the world’s first high performance linear imager with Green Spot technology, the simplest and most straightforward method to confirm a positive read. This breakthrough...
21 October 2022 - Matrix 2000, the new imager
By 2000, Datalogic was the only player also focusing on imager technology. Following the introduction of the first models developed in the late 80s (TC6 and TC45), the company now directed its R&D focus on developing this new technology further. Although the early...
18 October 2022 - Bar Code & More and Sensor & More
In 1998, Datalogic decided to spin off the sensor business, thus creating two companies, which kept the Datalogic logo, but displayed two different payoffs to clarify their specific product focus: Datalogic "Sensor & More" and Datalogic "Bar Code & More." In time, Sensor &...
14 October 2022 - Datalogic's First Partner Conference and the launch of the Dragon
By 1998, Datalogic’s Quality Partner network had strengthened on a global level, fueling the company’s sales development and growth. It was time for the company to host its first international Partner Conference, which was held in Bologna (Italy), gathering all Datalogic’s...
7 October 2022 - The Acquisition of IDWare
At the end of the 90s, after 25 years of predominantly organic growth and following the company’s reorganization, anticipated in Dr. Romano Volta’s strategic plan, Datalogic started evaluating possible acquisitions of other companies. The first of these was IDWare Mobile...
28 September 2022 - Dr. Romano Volta appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro"
In 1997, Dr. Romano Volta was prestigiously appointed “Cavaliere del Lavoro” by the President of the Italian Republic. Many other national and international awards will follow through the years. Recognitions that not only certify Datalogic’s technological leadership in its...
22 September 2022 - The First CCD Gun
Thanks to the significant feedback from its customers and with the support of the recently established “Quality Partner” network, Datalogic anticipated the need for a new innovative handheld barcode reader: one that would be easy to use, fast and reliable as CCD contact...
15 September 2022 - Datalogic First Partner Program
In the early years of activity, Dr. Romano Volta was directly involved in sales activities, prospecting for new clients and meeting customers face to face. At the beginning of the 90s, Datalogic’s commercial organization expanded rapidly and, although already operational...
8 September 2022 - The foundation of DATASUD
During the early 90s, Datalogic’s unstoppable growth demanded increased production capacity, leading to the foundation of a new factory: DATASUD, located in Castiglione Messer Raimondo (Teramo). This state-of-the-art production center was and is the group’s reference...
1 September 2022 - A Focused Approach by Dr. Romano Volta
During the early 1990s, while Datalogic was expanding its product portfolio, it started also offering complete state of the art solutions that were tailored to specific applications in the reference target markets: Retail, Transportation & Logistics, Manufacturing and...
25 August 2022 - First readers with integrated diode technology
During the 1990s, automated data capture took a giant, technological leap forward, providing additional significant benefits to many markets and industries. Laser scanners, both fixed and handheld, switched to diode technology, leaving behind outdated tube-based designs....
18 August 2022 - The First CCD Handheld Reader
By the end of the 80s, Datalogic was already a world leader in the field of barcode reading and identification applications in Logistics and Manufacturing, but further product development continued to be made also in Retail. Datalogic wanted to provide retailers with a...
11 August 2022 - The First Automated Baggage Handling Application
In the early 1980s, the worldwide traffic of goods and people was experiencing a rapid growth. At the same time, there was a rising adoption of automated conveyor systems for transportation and parcel sorting at post offices, courier centers and for luggage handling at...
4 August 2022 - The First Mobile Computer
Datalogic's expansion in the logistics industry continued, specifically targeting warehouse management. The company immediately recognized the need for data collection whilst on the move, to ensure maximum process control and flexibility. Thus in 1982, the company developed...
28 July 2022 - Entering T&L Market
Since the 1980s, the barcode has earned its place as the reference standard for identification and traceability. During that period, the market for Transport & Logistics applications rose exponentially, and Datalogic spearheaded the development of leading-edge products...
21 July 2022 - The First Optical Pen
In the late 70s and early 80s, customers’ demands for barcode readers grew exponentially, and Dr. Romano Volta decided to expand his product and solution offerings outside the industrial automation market. Thus he entered the world of retail and office automation...
14 July 2022 - Expanding Production Capabilities
The success of Datalogic 's sensors and, even more so, the explosion in demand for barcode readers, led to the need to increase the company’s production capacity with the opening in 1979 of the manufacturing site in Monte San Pietro (Bologna) in addition to the plants in...
7 July 2022 - M10 (1978): first Datalogic Unattended Scanning System manufacturing
Having grasped the great potential of the barcode technology, Dr. Romano Volta decided to expand Datalogic 's offering, evolving from photoelectric sensors to barcode readers . Leveraging the shared technology (ie. optical detection of the contrast between black and...
30 June 2022 - The US Landing
The landing in the United States was paramount not only for local business opportunities but, more importantly, for the expansion of the commercial offer. As a matter of fact, during the 70s, the US initiated the first applications of barcode reading. The great...
27 June 2022 - The beginning of a worldwide leadership
From Europe to Japan and US. After the success achieved in Germany, France, and the UK, 1976 marks the year Datalogic landed in Kobe, Japan, bringing its products and expertise along with it, representing a bold further step towards Datalogic international leadership....
16 June 2022 - LED technology: boosting key customers' technological advantage
As Datalogic grew bigger and stronger, so did technology. Between the 70s and the 80s, sensors were the hottest topic in electronic engineering. Datalogic moved quickly past lamp-based technology to fully embrace LED (“Light Emitting Diode”) solutions, from RGB to UV...
9 June 2022 - 1974: the newborn Datalogic GmbH at the Hanover Fair
Bigger dreams need wider space to grow. Datalogic 's growth in Italy was fast. However, once again, Dr. Romano Volta understood that, to create a successful company in the high-tech sector, it was necessary to think bigger. Geographically bigger. Thus, he expanded his...
1 June 2022 - Extending automation to the entire industrial process
The first step toward every great achievement is daring to imagine it! Datalogic was born in the packaging valley, from the vision of Dr. Romano Volta, which led him to develop an optical sensor for the local automatic packaging machinery manufacturers. With this new...
26 May 2022 - Datalogic Optic Electronics
To set an idea into motion, you need those first few believers! In the beginning, there were just five workers to handle the first production, a secretary and Dr. Romano Volta solely managing all sales and marketing. With tenacity and determination, he began to contact...
19 May 2022 - It all began in 1972...
It all began in 1972 in a back room of the parish center in Quarto Inferiore on the outskirts of Bologna, where Dr. Romano Volta founded Datalogic . Soon the activity was focused on the design and production of photoelectric sensors for the textile, ceramic and packaging...
13 May 2022 - 50th Anniversary logo
50 years ago, in 1972, Dr. Romano Volta founded Datalogic, guiding its growth from a small lab into the current international corporation with a global footprint. Proud of this key milestone, we are excited to start a dedicated communication program today that will reach...
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