




与我们共事 - 第1步

如果想在Datalogic得利捷寻找一个合适的职位,您必须使用我们的网络工具提交一份电子简历。您可以申请特定的职位或进行一般申请。 完成您的个人资料并单击“提交”后,它会显示一条确认信息。您还将收到一封确认收到简历的邮件。 我们感谢您的关注,并祝您获得心仪的职位。 查看所有招聘岗位 参见第2步 - 参见第3步

与我们共事 - 第2步

我们通过行为和技术性面试来了解您。您对什么会充满热情?您获得过哪些成就?您有哪些工作经历?我们鼓励双向沟通;如有任何问题,请积极提出! 如果您有兴趣了解我们的更多信息并准备参加面试,我们建议您通过社交媒体了解我们,并观看我们官网发布的领导和员工视频。这是您深入了解我们的绝佳机会。 首轮面试后,您需要完成一项技术测试,以评估您是否具备所申请职位的相关能力。 完成这些步骤后,您还需要完成2个测试,方便我们对您有深入的了解: 行为特征分析(PPA)和一般智力测验(GIA)。参考上述测试结果,我们可以了解您是否能够融入Datalogic得利捷企业文化、是否与我们拥有相似的价值观、能否与我们和谐共处,并了解您流体智力(学习能力)的潜质。我们借助这些工具来完善面试结果,进而获得有关您性格和动机的更多信息。 如果您通过初步筛选,我们的人力资源团队将通知您进行面试,以充分了解您的技能和发展潜质,以及是否与应聘职位团队的需求相匹配。 您未来的主管经理将对您进行最终面试:这会更加侧重您的技术能力,以了解您是否具备所申请职位的相关技能和专业知识。如果您已经完成了技术测试,可能会要求您对其作出详细的解释说明。 我们秉持尊重和关怀候选人的理念,会尽快为您提供反馈。届时Datalogic得利捷代表将与您联系,告知面试结果以及您性格和智力测验反馈。我们希望能够帮助您更好地了解自己的优势和发展领域。将其视为一个了解自我的绝佳机会! 查看所有招聘岗位 参见第1步 - 参见第3步

与我们共事 - 第3步

如果顺利通过面试,Datalogic得利捷代表将与您联系,并与您协商合同内容以及入职时间。我们还将提供包含完整职位详细信息的文档。 备注:我们还会联系参加面试但并未入选的候选人,告知他们我们已经找到合适人选并向他们提供有关测试和面试的反馈。我们积极鼓励未入选候选人在我们的网站上探索更多工作机会。 在您接受我们的工作邀请后(恭喜!),您将收到一些相关邮件。我们将为您提供所需的一切信息,以确保您做好充分的入职准备。填写最终就业表格并获得官方员工徽章! 您即将加入令人兴奋的Datalogic得利捷世界! 想在Datalogic得利捷工作? 我们期待您的加入!




Romano Volta - Executive Chairman
Executive Chairman
Romano Volta
It all began in 1972 on the outskirts of Bologna, Italy; a small laboratory of ideas was destined to become great. Dr. Romano Volta had the foresight to grasp the needs of the textile, ceramic, and packaging industries to automate their machines. By uniting optics, electronics, and mechanics, Dr. Volta created Datalogic – a company developing products that could reach extraordinary standards of precision and speed. The Volta Formula: Always listening to Customers’ needs, constantly reaching for innovation and excellence, and sharing this adventure with a team of motivated people. The world changes, but not the ingredients that are needed in order to continue as a successful company.
Valentina Volta - Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer
Valentina Volta
To excel in your business, it is necessary to hire the best people. Differently from the past, competition for young talent has taken on a global dimension. An Italian company must nowadays be aware that an excellent engineering graduate can find a job in Italy but also in the US or elsewhere. Therefore, we looked for the best tools to compete at the top of our game in the international markets. This involves recruiting the best people. We think that a high-tech leader like Datalogic can recruit the best talent.
Veronica Quercia - Global Human Resources Director
Global Human Resources Director
Veronica Quercia
We have to sustain our growth all over the world, attracting the best people for the best company. We want to steadily go from good to great, leveraging human capital and internal talents. This will also have a significant impact in terms of induction program, individual and collective training programs (also through the creation of Datalogic functional academies); people development and succession planning pipeline management; best place to work strategies and premium brand positioning in the labor market.




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